November 2020 Newsletter
Greetings, I hope everyone has stayed healthy and safe during these unprecedented times. Like many of you, the pandemic has changed our way of life and my husband and I have had to find ways to adapt. I worked from home for a few months while he went to work as an essential worker. However, I’m back in the [...]
July 2020 Newsletter
Greetings Everyone, As the coronavirus continues to surge, I hope you are staying safe and following all precautions to keep your family and friends healthy. My husband and I have primarily been home-bound though occasionally we have gone out to a restaurant to escape the monotony of cooking every day and doing dishes. J When I’m not cooking or [...]
April 2020 Newsletter
Greetings Everyone, We are living in a time like no other. The coronavirus pandemic has affected how all of us go about our day-to-day work and home life. My family and I are hanging in there. We have a bit of cabin-fever, but otherwise healthy. I know times are tough for many of you with caring for loved ones [...]
December 2019 Newsletter
Happy Holidays, My newest release Red Carpet Redemption is here just in time to fill your Christmas stockings. I know you’ll gobble up Red Carpet Redemption, the third book in The Stewart Heirs Series. My inspiration for the book came from watching the Jennifer Lopez movie The Backup Plan. What if the heroine used a sperm donor to get pregnant [...]
August 2019 Newsletter
Greetings, I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer thus far. Personally, I’ve had an eventful several months. Major shift on my day job. Sold a house. Moved. Building a new house. Needless to say, all of the life changes have made for a quiet six months on the book front. It happens. There are ebbs and flows with [...]